Who are We?!?
Español (English below):
También esto es un intento de autogestión para dar y recibir o difundir cultura e ideas y recaudar, aunke sea un poco para continuar haciéndolo. Ofrecemos material de bandas que nos gustan y también de ideas en forma de imagenes y textos contra-cultural, contestarios y libertarios. Algo para hacernos pensar.
Eso dicho, no nos limitamos a enviar nuestro material a otros lugares si algo les interesa.
La gran mayoría de las cosas son hecha por nosotrxs o por nuestrxs amigxs, y siguiendo con el espiritú del hazlo tu mismo, todo es ofrecido a bajo costo o con trueke.
En un mediano plazo esperamos crear una editorial para crear nuevos textos y re-editar algunos antiguos que nos llaman la atención y también sacar CDs de bandas punks para ofrecerlos a bajo costo, en especial aquellos que sólo son editados en vinilos.
La Tiendita DIY is a new distro based in Puerto Varas, southern Chile. We created it to see if we could successfully use the internet to distribute our material. Our main objective is to distribute material that is more dificult to find around these parts, as it´s really lacking.
This is also a attempt at self-management in order to give and take or spread culture and ideas and recieve, whatever contributions can come our way to keep on going. We offer material of bands that we like and also of ideas in the form of counter-cultural images and texts that question and spread anarkist thought. Something to make us think.
All of that said, we can also mail material to other places if something interests you. Most of our material is made by us or our friends, and keeping with the spirit of DIY culture, everything is offered at a low cost or can be exchanged.
In the long term we want to set up a publishing group to create new texts and re-edit old ones we find interesting. Also we want to put out CD releases of punk bands to help spread their music at a lower cost, and especially that of record-loving bands in these non-recordplayer-having parts of the world.
All prices are in chilean currency. If you are interested in purchasing something write to us at latienditadiy@gmail.com. But to give you an idea of prices, everything except the body piercing jewellery cost 1 Euro or less and the body piercing jewellery cost around 3 Euros or less depending on the size.